Help us meet our goal

The Pluto in Aquarius Community Fund is an independent grassroots initiative raising funds for people in the community. It is run by Witch Mother Ltd. All donations will be documented publicly on Patricia‘s Instagram Stories. Funds go directly to the person and evidence will be provided where applicable and reasonable.

We're raising money for a disabled woman (whom we'll call O) who has been dealt a horrific card of abuse which left her with debt, exacerbated trauma and a legal battle. Our goal is £5,000, the first £2,000 will engage a solicitor for the initial defence in this case. The remainder is for ongoing legal fees and living costs for O who now lives in poverty and is fighting on several fronts.

What happened

After domestic abuse, which involved gaslighting, rape, (financial and other forms of) coercion etc., the flat O lives in and owns as lease-/freehold has become a source of trauma. In the building and, by association and access, the flat, there have been several issues that needed dealing with over the past decade (particularly vermin and a leak affecting two properties, including O‘s). Most work was funded by O personally and has been sorted by her; much of it during her tenure as director of the limited company managing the property's freehold. Insurance was consulted, it was decided, by another professional, that any sum not covered by insurance would come from a communal fund that was set aside by all shareholders for cases like this.

It is all documented in great detail. I have access to all relevant documents and the full history.

In a nutshell, O was ousted as director. The new directors decided that the aforementioned costs of contractors etc. should not have been covered by the communal fund. Effectively saying O now owes them a sum in excess of £7,000. Again, documentation shows this is not based on facts; yet they have initiated a court case against her and O doesn‘t have the funds to pay for a solicitor.

Notes on health and disability

O used to be an outgoing, bubbly person who would go out to the pub, for dinner, take day trips, run her own shop and then had a successful online business. She can't do any of that since the abusive relationship and the abusive behaviour of the new directors, who are fellow shareholders.

To give you an idea of how her health and disabilities have been affected - a lot of which have deteriorated in the last year, O‘s own words are below:

  • Suffer from tonic immobility/paralysis and disassociation;it is getting much worse again.

  • Migraines, pain (even hair, fingernails, eyes)

  • Terrible styes

  • Terribly dry skin

  • Body feels cold and unable to get warm

  • Exacerbating OCD compulsions - eg takes an hour almost before I can leave house which has altered the daily routine I had been sticking to

  • Isolation

  • Fear and anxiety over everything, things I logically know I shouldn’t feel anxious about turn into compulsions and really intrusive and pervasive negative thoughts

  • Safe space concerns - I cannot talk about any of this stuff/do anything about it whilst in the flat (recommended by my GP), I must go out to attempt to keep the flat a safe space. This is a catch 22 because I then struggle to leave/can't cope with change to routine because of OCD

  • Heart palpitations

  • Sleep/eating struggles

  • Intense feelings of being gaslit

  • Intense masking of how I really feel and what is going on - family even are unaware as they are unsafe. 

  • Never feel safe or settled, just waiting for next bad thing to happen - any feelings of happiness, eg enjoying tv, follow very quickly with fear that feeling positive will result in a negative.

  • Severe tinnitus and hyper-aware of sounds. Often watch tv on mute and follow programme just by sight.

  • Constantly “unsafe”

  • Fear of males

  • Zero interest in appearance, keep bathing etc to minimum - feel like I don’t deserve it

  • Severe pain from OCD in arms and head

  • Skin picking compulsion on legs

  • Cannot go to certain areas eg my own home town, have to travel to do anything basic but cannot go further away places either

  • Reluctance to ask for medical help or have procedures/tests as feels too invasive - eg not had smear etc. I nearly didn’t go to hospital when I needed my appendix out

  • Fearful of any therapy as was triggered by male therapists in session calling me “darling” or “love”, them cancelling at last second or not ringing when they say, entire sessions that were meant to help ME spent discussing the abusive people themselves rather than how their behaviour affected me - felt bizarre and re-traumatising

  • Reasonable adjustments constantly ignored or belittled so spend most of the time suffering when I actually need them

  • When boundaries or expectations are changed without reason it is a struggle, don’t feel like I can ask why as feel it will result in more abuse

On top of the urgent legal case, O is also looking at three strong cases of unlawful discrimination under the Equality Act 2010 committed against her.

Please give if you can or share this with others. Every donation and every share make a difference.